
A Special Thanks...

Before I begin, I want to give a special thanks to my mother for her constant support and encouragement even in my failures and her belief in me that I am capable of amazing things. Second, I want to thank Andrea Haney for being my right-hand woman in all things technical and her amazing ability to think outside the box. Third, I also want to thank my dad for his quiet support and willingness to help when needed. And lastly, I want to thank all of YOU for each and every purchase to make my little biz + dream come true! This story can not be written without everyone above. I am forever grateful.

In The Beginning...

I started making custom family ornaments, not with an entrepreneurial business in mind, but as a gift. I was so inspired at the time by other artists who made personalized family portraits, and I wanted to try some of my own. I first made ornaments for my family, and they aboslutely adored them. I was also told many times, by family and friends alike, these creations would sell really well in a holiday market, but that seemed a bit far fetched. Me? Own a business? At 14? Really? However, the idea stuck with me, especially with my mom's encouragement and offer to host my first online pop-up at In 2020, my first year of officially selling them was intense, but worth the experience. I learned SO MUCH during those two months of business, and the ornaments slowly evolved as the days passed and I brainstormed on creativity and efficiency. The ones that I made a year ago are much different than the ones I am creating now, but the dream is still the same: to create what I love, give joy, and inspire others to do the same.

Create. Give. Inspire.

Accidents Happen...

My name came about as a mistake, actually. A few months before brainstorming Christmas gifts, as I created a handmade birthday card for my younger brother, I thought it would be fun to create my own logo on the back. I decided on a rainbow and began to draw it before realizing I had colored it backwards! Me, wanting it to be perfect and now it seemingly was ruined, got ready to throw it out and start again. But at the last second, just before it fell from my hands in a crumpled heap, I stopped myself and allowed my creative gears began to turn. Reverse Rainbow was born!